The show was just amazing, fabulous, colorful, awesome singing, costumes, energy, happiness. Just incredible! Best show I have ever seen at TOL. Horton was
just wonderful. The choreography the best I've seen. My daughter was great. The Bird Girls beautiful and funny. The Cat in the Hat, just quintessential. I am so thrilled for everyone. Did I say I
loved it????
Tracy G - May 2010
I just wanted to thank you again for giving my 6 year old daughter this opportunity. She was so excited when she came home tonight from rehearsal. I asked her
if she liked it, and she said "I didn't like it, Mom...
I LOVED IT!" I have never seen her so jazzed about anything and we are really looking forward to this experience.
Julie G - January 2009
Mary is LOVING the Summer Program at the Theatre of Light. It is doing wonders for her confidence and I'm so happy about all she is learning. THANK YOU with
all our hearts.
Susan R - July 2009
Thank you for making this such a wonderful, wonderful experience for my little girl. I cam home last night to find her sobbing in my husband's sad
to face the end of "Narnia". I tried to console her by saying she'd see many of the cast at the Seussical auditions next month, but she said that was too far away! She absolutely loved her first
theatrical thank you again so much!
Charlotte M - December 2009
My daughter would like to set up an audition for Wizard of Oz! She loved every minute of Narnia and is bummed that it is over!
Tracy L - December 2008
I am truly blown away at how "Narnia" all came together. My daughter is already talking about auditioning for the "Wizard of Oz". thank you, Thank you,
Thank you!
Teri T - December 2008
Loved. loved , loved the show (Narnia)!
It is the best thing in my young daughter's little life. She loves TOL!
Tracey G - December 2008
The weekend's performances were spectacular -- I can't believe how professional and polished everyone was!! Thank you for making my daughter's first theater
experience so wonderful!!!
Patti K - December 2008
Honestly the interest and support for my teen daughter has been overwhelming...we even have people fying in from out of town! You can't imagine how much of
a positive experience this has been for her! Thank you so much!
Jen D - November 2008
Thank heart goes out to you. I do understand how hard it must be but you are doing a great thing for these kids. Thank you for all you do! I look
forward to a great experience for my 10 year old daughter, the rest of the cast, and myself as well!
Kara R - September 2008
I know I've expressed this before, but I want to thank you again for the outstanding job you do with the Theatre of Light. I can not tell you what it has
meant to my daughter. We have never seen her so enthuiastic and committed to anything like this before. She has blossomed before our eyes and I know that it is due to the respect, kindness, and
nurturing she was given by everyone at TOL. So thanks again to you and your wonderful, dedicated staff. I don't know how you all do it, but you do it and you do it well!
Maura D - May 2008
Thank is amazing to see how you pulled it all together, kept the kids motivated, filled the seats, were on top of a hundared different details AND
kept a smile on your face. I am in awe.
Gaye G - May 2008
It was great to see the final performance of "Narnia". I thought the cast did remarkable remembering everything. They all love it so much. Thank you for
offering this opportunity to the children of the North Shore. We are lucky for your dedication to bringing theatre to this community.
Wendy B - January 2008
We are so very, very thankful to you for giving our son the opportunity to be a part of "Narnia"! We want to congraulate you for the wonderful production!
Everyone who came to see the play really loved the production. Thanks for blessing my son's life!
Laura D - December 2006
- This theatre company offers a great service to the community. It is an excellent experience for the younger children to have mentors with the teenage
actors as they are working on a common goal.
- I had tears in my eyes as I watched the monkeys. My daughter is having the time of her life!
- My son, who was too shy to audition for this show, is now excited about auditioning for your next production.
- We couldn't pay the Director enough for what she does with our children.
- This show is absolutely fabulous! The children are so talented.
- I had my doubts at times during rehearsals, but the performances have far exeeded my expectations.
- Miriam, you are wonderful. I can't thank you enough for giving my child this experience.